
What Is Integrative Healthcare?

Integrative healthcare is a great fit for many people.

We’re fortunate enough to live in a time with many different medical and wellness modalities available to fit a range of needs and preferences. But the flip side of that situation can be a lot of confusion around these options. What is integrative healthcare? What is complementary care or alternative medicine? Let’s dig in and … Read more

Why You Don’t Need a Crisis To See a Counselor

Mental wellness doesn't require a crisis first. Get the support you need whenever you need it.

​​Counseling is an excellent resource when dealing with situations such as trauma, a death in the family, or a significant depressive period. But counseling can provide much more beyond acute support through a difficult life event. It can serve all of us in many ways, regardless of circumstances. It’s important to know that you don’t … Read more

3 Long-Term Benefits of Acupuncture on Mental Health

Acupuncture offers a lot of mental health benefits.

Mental health treatment has changed drastically in recent generations, thankfully. We have moved past drastic and harmful forms of “care” and now enjoy many modalities that can support optimal mental health. From counseling to massage therapy, there are many choices available. One exciting development has been discovering the long-term benefits of acupuncture for mental well-being. … Read more

How To Choose a Naturopathic Doctor

Choosing a medical professional for your health care can feel overwhelming as you navigate all the options to find the right fit. And if you’re looking to choose a naturopathic doctor (ND), you may have a lot of questions about this type of medical care. At Ancora Wellness, we believe that everyone deserves access to … Read more

Key to Longevity: Blood Pressure

blood pressure monitoring

Let’s talk about the key to longevity: Blood Pressure. understand those reasons, and have some ideas of ways to moderate your own blood pressure. Of course, there’s no substitute for the direct, customized advice of a qualified medical provider. If you’d like a wholistic treatment plan for your heart health and longevity, schedule a consult … Read more

Craniosacral Therapy 

Craniosacral Therapy for Wellness ‘Wellness’ is generally considered to be an active process.: Go out and exercise. Plan and cook your meals. Take your vitamins and supplements. Do the work! And, while all of these things can and do make a difference, there are also ways to support your health that require nothing of you … Read more