
3 Long-Term Benefits of Acupuncture on Mental Health

Acupuncture offers a lot of mental health benefits.

Mental health treatment has changed drastically in recent generations, thankfully. We have moved past drastic and harmful forms of “care” and now enjoy many modalities that can support optimal mental health. From counseling to massage therapy, there are many choices available. One exciting development has been discovering the long-term benefits of acupuncture for mental well-being. … Read more

Craniosacral Therapy 

Craniosacral Therapy for Wellness ‘Wellness’ is generally considered to be an active process.: Go out and exercise. Plan and cook your meals. Take your vitamins and supplements. Do the work! And, while all of these things can and do make a difference, there are also ways to support your health that require nothing of you … Read more

Group Spotlight: ReWild

ReWild: Adventure Therapy with Dan Oregon is home to scenic coastline, high desert, triumphant mountains, lush forests, joyful waterfalls, magnificent rivers, and more shades of green than one previously thought possible. The state itself is almost half forest (48 percent, according to Oregon offers a multitude of activities to enjoy the state’s beauty year … Read more

Getting Back to Grounding

Getting Back to Grounding by Mandy Curtis, MSW, QMHP, CADC III I don’t know about you, but it seems like life has been a bit of a whirlwind lately as people are returning to the office and kids are going back to school.  Our communities are still experiencing the difficulties of the pandemic in so … Read more

Getting Unstuck with Vision Boards

Getting Unstuck with Vision Boards By Mandy Curtis We all have times that we feel stuck in our lives.  Sometimes this is in multiple areas and other times it can happen in one or two places that start to impact how we see everything else. We can feel resentful, bitter, helpless, or out of control … Read more