
Surmounting Holiday Hurdles

Whether you’re someone who adores hearing “Jingle Bells” and “Deck the Halls” on repeat from October or you’re desperately searching for a radio station not playing christmas music, this time of year brings some inevitable, mmm, complications shall we say?  Here are some of the more common issues coming up with my patients this time … Read more

The Powerful Connection Between Movement and Mental Health

The connection between movement and mental health is incredibly important.

As spring is about to give way to summer, many people want to get outside and move a little more than they may have been. School is wrapping up, schedules are shifting, and vacation days are approaching. If you feel the urge to add more exercise into your days, there’s a reason for it. There … Read more

Craniosacral Therapy 

Craniosacral Therapy for Wellness ‘Wellness’ is generally considered to be an active process.: Go out and exercise. Plan and cook your meals. Take your vitamins and supplements. Do the work! And, while all of these things can and do make a difference, there are also ways to support your health that require nothing of you … Read more