


5 Questions to Consider Before You Supplement

5 Questions to Consider Before You Supplement  Naturopathic docs (NDs) are often known as supplement pushers – and for good reason. We use them a LOT. There’s a supplement for nearly every physiologic need and process, and when used correctly, they’re a great way to bolster overall health.  There’s a darker side to supplement use

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BMI doesn't indicate health.

4 Reasons Why BMI Is Inaccurate, and What To Use Instead

Full disclosure – the original title of this blog was 4 Reasons Why BMI Is Bullsh**. Because it is. The BMI is inaccurate, highly flawed, and has no business in a nutritionist’s office.  At Ancora Wellness, our mission is to provide holistic support for your total wellness. Spoiler: that does NOT include looking at your

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Genetic testing can play a significant role in establishing successful mental health treatment.
Mental Health

Genetic Testing for Mental Health Care

We are fortunate to live in a time that recognizes the connection between our physical and mental wellness because that wasn’t always the case. With this growing understanding, we have more and more tools at our disposal to help navigate mental health concerns. One exciting key to this wellness puzzle is the power of genetic

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Reiki healing can be a powerful way to enjoy less stress and anxiety.
Body Work

How Does Reiki Healing Work?

During the pandemic, many people began investigating alternative healing options and modalities. In fact, more than a million adults have used reiki in the past year. Because of this interest, reiki and other healing energy work have become topical and popular. With this surge in access and popularity, a lot of folks are wondering, “How

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Preventive medical screenings can help you age with vitality.

Which Preventive Health Screenings Hold the Keys to Longevity?

When it comes to longevity and aging with vitality and health, folks often want to talk about the latest diets, supplements, and exercise routines. And there is never a shortage of those fads. But there’s something we don’t talk about as much, mostly because it’s just not as sexy or fun as trying the latest

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Mental wellness doesn't require a crisis first. Get the support you need whenever you need it.
Mental Health

Why You Don’t Need a Crisis To See a Counselor

​​Counseling is an excellent resource when dealing with situations such as trauma, a death in the family, or a significant depressive period. But counseling can provide much more beyond acute support through a difficult life event. It can serve all of us in many ways, regardless of circumstances. It’s important to know that you don’t

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The connection between movement and mental health is incredibly important.
Mental Health

The Powerful Connection Between Movement and Mental Health

As spring is about to give way to summer, many people want to get outside and move a little more than they may have been. School is wrapping up, schedules are shifting, and vacation days are approaching. If you feel the urge to add more exercise into your days, there’s a reason for it. There

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Acupuncture offers a lot of mental health benefits.

3 Long-Term Benefits of Acupuncture on Mental Health

Mental health treatment has changed drastically in recent generations, thankfully. We have moved past drastic and harmful forms of “care” and now enjoy many modalities that can support optimal mental health. From counseling to massage therapy, there are many choices available. One exciting development has been discovering the long-term benefits of acupuncture for mental well-being.

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Unless you feel unsafe, try to give a new counselor several appointments before deciding if they are a good fit for you.
Mental Health

5 Things To Look for in a Counselor

Finding the right counselor for you or a loved one is not always simple. It can feel very vulnerable to take this step, and you have the right to be cautious in who you choose. There are many things to look for in a counselor, and it’s okay to take your time making a decision.

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fresh vegetables

Is Organic Produce Always Better?

By Niki Carr, Nutritionist Should I buy organic produce? Is organic always better?  A hotly debated topic of scientists, nutritionists, and dietitians. The research is still out on whether organic varieties of fruits and veggies have more nutrients than conventionally grown versions. You can find numerous studies that support either side of the argument. We

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